Society For the second self

support • Serenity • Service

A 501(c)(3) non-profit organization.


A Gift of love

We crossdressers and loved ones have lived, loved and learned much. Life has taken us through many challenges and journeys. Whether we’ve traveled to distant lands or into the depths of our hearts, we are brothers, sisters and soul mates.

Eventually, there comes a time to say “adieu”. We take with us a special love and rich memories that few are privileged to experience. The crossdresser has lived an expanded connectivity with life. We are the few that understand more. Though we probably started with questions and anxiety, we finish with contentment and a knowing of who we are.

We have been Blessed to know our Tri-Ess sisters and others through the years. We’ve helped each other and supported those searching. We did all this from our hearts because we know the hearts of those that are seeking to know themselves. 

When you plan for that inevitable time when you leave us and the world, please think of us. Consider a loving Gift of Remembrance to help our mission carry on with outreach to those in the shadows, dispel misunderstandings and bring crossdressing mainstream. 

Yes, a lasting gift of love at your final farewell.

Join Us! Halloween 2021 Crossdressers, Wives/Gf's, Singles OK

Look at the Flyer... Go Here

Donation goal

Collected: $230.00
Goal: $10,000.00


Questions? Comments? Want more information?

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We welcome everyone of all ages. This is not an adult site nor do we link to adult sites.
Copyright 2022, Society for the Second Self, a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. All Rights Reserved.
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